

Explore Ongoing Clinical Trials for EXL01
Several clinical trials are currently underway to evaluate the safety and efficacy of EXL01.
Details about these studies, including participating sites, can be found at :
Visit our study on

Important Information

Please note that the drug candidate EXL01 is presently in the clinical testing stage and subject to the regulations set by the competent authorities.

Exeliom Biosciences is not legally entitled to decide whether a patient is eligible to take part in the clinical trials that Exeliom Biosciences sponsors. The investigating physicians at the clinical study centres are the sole individuals competent to decide whether a patient is eligible, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined in the corresponding clinical study protocol.

Additionally, Exeliom Biosciences cannot communicate or interact with individual patients on the developments or progress of the study. All publicly available information is available on


EXL01 in the clinic



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